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Chance4all Sponsorship Program


We believe that the Right to Education is a basic and universal human right, and that no child should ever be prevented from access to it. We know that Zambian Government is undertaking commendable initiatives in this regard, some of them with the financial support of international donors and under the auspices of UN initiatives. Still every morning 800,000 Zambian children who are supposed to be in school, do mainly poorly paid jobs or simply stay home instead of going to school. Every morning a door to a better future, a break from the cycle of poverty, closes a bit more for them.


We have started with three students from Bauleni compound and Chance4all has now helped 40 children to go back to school. We are screening for additional students, jointly with the NGO In&Out of the Ghetto, Appleseed and other schools, to benefit from our Secondary Education Sponsorship Scheme in 2018.


Together with your help, our medium-term objective is to expand our Sponsorship Scheme first to other low-income compounds in Lusaka, then to other areas of Zambia where there are high incidences of out of school children and reach as many students as we can sponsor. Our modus operandi is to cooperate with already existing community centres, local schools and administrations, in order to identify the neediest children who are eligible under our Sponsorship Scheme. Our long-term dream is to not be needed anymore. Our long-term dream is that the children of today are able to build a country where every child, boy or girl, wakes up every morning to join a school class with books under the arm and aspire to realize their dreams, whatever they may be.


You can change the life of a Zambian girl or boy forever, and become her / his Sponsor.


  • The cost of one year in Primary education (Grade 1 to 7, i.e. from 6 to 12 years of age) is estimated at 150 USD per year. The main items covered are school fees, uniform, bag, shoes, basic school supplies and weekly tuition support.


  • The cost of one year in Secondary education (Grade 8 to 12, i.e. from 13 to 18 years of age) is estimated at 180 USD per year. The main items covered are school fees, uniform, bag, shoes, basic school supplies and weekly tuition support.


  • The children sponsored under Chance4all Sponsorship Scheme are selected after a careful screening process done in conjunction with community centers, in order to assess his / her financial situation, motivation and readiness to contribute to the community development by volunteering in community services. The funds you donate are not directly given to the sponsored child or family in cash; Chance4all volunteers are in charge of registering the children at school, paying fees and personally buying school supplies, keeping copies of all receipts.


  • If you decide to engage in this life-changing programme, please send us a message with the subject: Sponsorship or fill in the sponsorship form below.  You will receive an identikit of the pre-selected children for sponsorship, information about his / her age, personal situation and motivation. Once you have engaged in our sponsorship programme, you will receive pictures and full details of your sponsored child, as well as regular school reports to verify his / her progress.

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