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Miriam, 23 years


Miriam joined Chance4all in early 2018, among one of the first students in our sponsoring program. What she liked most about the program was the valuable tuition support, the friendships she made and the fact that she was able to practice her English. Most importantly, she could go to school freely, without having to worry about paying school fees. Thanks to the help of Chance4all support from our dedicated teachers, she improved in the Mathematics and Science and graduated in high school in 2021. Miriam is now attending her final year of nursing school under the newly funded tertiary Chance4all's sponsorship. 


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David, 15 years


David joined Chance4All in 2017 at age 9. David has overcome circumstances of bereavement and an absent parental figure. Through Chance4All sponsorship programme, John has had a privilege to be enrolled in School and he is currently in his sixth grade at Bauleni Special Needs School. As part of the Chance4All programme, counselling services are provided which have been beneficial for David. David's performance at school thus far has been excellent. He aspires to be president of the republic of Zambia. 


When a picture is worth a thousand words... 
The picture on the left shows a self-portrait of David shortly after he joined our sponsoring program. The second one is a self-portrait he did only 12 months after joining our program. These 2 pictures shows the impact of our support on the lives of the children.  A true success story! 
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