Individual one-off or permanent donations are most welcome!
Donations will be integrated in the Chance4all reserve funds and will be used to cover expenses such as: tutoring, damaged school equipment, bridging costs of school years when a sponsor decides to stop his/her funding, school snacks for children with nutrition deficits.
To give you a better idea of how much you can achieve even through a small donation we have made donation packs of 30, 50, 60 and 75 USD.
30 USD: With this donation you are enabling us to buy yearly school stationary supplies for a boy or girl in Primary education.​
50 USD: With this donation you are enabling us to buy yearly school stationary supplies for a boy or girl in Secondary education.​
60 USD: With this donation you are enabling us to buy a School uniform for a boy or girl in Primary education.​
75 USD: With this donation you are enabling us to buy a School uniform for a boy or girl in Secondary education.​
Our bank details:
Bank Transfer Zambia:
FIRST NATIONAL BANK; CHANCE4ALL; Account No: 62815008562; Swift code: FIRNZMLX; Branch: Commercial Suite
Bank Transfer Europe:
KBC BANK; CHANCE LIMITED; Alsembergsesteenweg 589, 1653 Dworp, Belgium
IBAN: BE10734039061404; BIC:KREDBEBB
Make a donation for our current Global Giving project on girls education. You can read more about this sensitization project here.
All donations via GlobalGiving are tax-deductible for donors who are US taxpayers and UK taxpayers paying in GBP are eligible for Gift Aid. Just check the box during checkout and enter your taxpayer address to make your donation count for Gift Aid.​