From one Brick to a Space4all
In October 2019, Chance4all started the construction of its new project "A Space4all" and launched a crowdfunding campaign on GlobalGiving – the largest global crowdfunding community for Nonprofit Organisations.
The Space4all is a multipurpose facility in the heart of Bauleni, the community we serve. It provides a safe space for students to meet with tutors and mentors after school, study, access computers and benefit from the nutritional program.
The facility also serves as a space for educational events and community workshops. This space is more than just a building - it is another tool to support vulnerable out-of-school children with quality education. A Space4all indeed! Watch the video to find out more.
The project is now fully funded but Space4all is still developing to its full potential to efficiently serve its students and the community. Space4all will be finalized once all IT equipment is purchased and connected, and solar panels installed, allowing Space4all to be fully functioning despite the numerous load shedding, or power cuts. We have been touched by the goodwill and generosity from various local and international supporters towards our project. We are grateful for all your support. Thank you, Zikomo, Grazie, Gracias, Merci!! You can read more about the completed campaign here.
In the future, we would like to install Solar Panels to provide Space4all with environment-friendly renewable energy and a dependable source of unlimited cost-efficient energy, allowing us to run the centre effectively without interruptions. In the long term, we hope that this project will promote the positive effect of renewable energy on the environment and encourage the Bauleni community as a whole to take climate actions by implementing the use of renewable energy. Chance4all students are already engaged with Leopards Hill Mall in a monthly community clean up.